Our Churches and Parish Office are mobility friendly. Covid-19 Information & Guidelines.
Acknowledgment of Traditional Custodians
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of all
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation.
Our Community Groups
Rosary Group
The Rosary Group began 41 years ago (1981) in the Catholic Church on Bartley Terrace at West Lakes Shore (later it became the Uniting Church).
Parishioners started meeting on Monday mornings to pray the Rosary, followed by morning tea and a chat and this has continued to this day, which is a great achievement.
Currently, a group of about 12 to 15 Parishioners (both male & female)
meet at the West Lakes Uniting Church at 10:30am every Monday.
(No Rosary on Public Holidays).
This is a special time as a community get-together and a lovely way to start the day.
The group is very welcoming,
with a friendly community atmosphere
which is very important in our daily lives.
All are welcome to attend the Rosary,
so please come along and join us.
Thanks to the leadership team and to all who join in this Rosary Prayer time.
If you would like further information,
please contact the Parish Office.

Morning Teas
Our Parish shares morning tea together
each month and this is a great way
to meet fellow parishioners and visitors
in a friendly & relaxed atmosphere.
Morning Teas are held as follows:-
1st Sunday of each month after the 9am Mass at Our Lady of the Visitation Church, Taperoo
(in the OLV School’s Veritas Centre next to the Church)
Next Morning Tea will be on Sunday 6th April 2025​
3rd Sunday of each month after the 11am Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Semaphore
(in the Parish Meeting Rooms adjacent to the Church)
Next Morning Tea will be on Sunday 16th March 2025
Please stay on after Mass on these Sundays and join us for a cuppa, biscuits & a chat.
Parish Social Club
The Parish Social Club Committee was formed
in 2015 by a group of parishioner volunteers
when celebrations for the
100 year Anniversary of Sacred Heart Church
were being planned.
Since then, the Committee members have been organising various parish social events
with great success.
There are usually 2 Parish Lunches each year, consisting of a catered meal with dessert (BYO Drinks). These lunches have been wonderful social gatherings for parishioners, enjoying friendship and camaraderie.
The next Parish Lunch
to be advised at a later date.
[Pam Taylor, Bernice Watson, Joan White, Marie Vickers]

Ladies Flying Solo Lunch
A very warm welcome is extended to
ALL LADIES of our Parish to
“come fly solo with us over lunch”
Next lunch is Friday 4th April, 2025
at 12.45pm at the Carlisle Tavern,
39 Carlisle St, Ethelton
​Be tempted to come and join with
other amazing women for lunch or coffee & cake, a chat & friendship.
We are very much looking
forward to seeing you all there
Please contact 'Pat Carey on 0400 137 500'
if you'd like to attend.
Please contact the Parish Office
for further information.
Men's Breakfast Group
The men's breakfast group is a Catholic group of men who meet each month for breakfast and usually reflect on the gospels.
Next Men's Breakfast is 12th April
at 9.15am in the Parish Meeting Rooms
Currently we have about 12 members who enjoy the get-together and there is a lot of
joy & camaraderie shared.
All men are welcome to attend and if you would like to join in, please contact the Parish Office before you first join us for catering purposes.
[Dennis Kennedy]

Reading Circle
Do you enjoy reading?
What about joining our Parish Reading Circle?
The local library has a collection of book sets, so everyone gets a copy of the chosen book of the month.
The group read novels and memoirs
(nothing too heavy) and also share their own good reads.
It's great to compare each other’s views on the characters, their dilemmas, their relationships and their moral choices.
If interested in attending, please contact
Kathleen Connellan on 0405 367 847
to obtain a copy of the book.​
The next Reading Circle is Thursday 20th March
at 2pm in the Parish Meeting Rooms at Semaphore.
The book for March is “The Love Letter” by Lucinda Riley
[Kathleen Connellan]
Parish Gardening Teams
The grounds of the Churches & Parish Office at Sacred Heart Church at Semaphore and
Our Lady of the Visitation Church at Taperoo
are being cared for by a dedicated group of parishioners on a regular basis.
Recently new irrigation was installed along the fence line on Victoria Road at OLV Church and hedging shrubs have been planted which, in time, will help reduce dust and perhaps some of the noise pollution as well as making the grounds attractive. A roster system is in place to turn on the sprinklers to water the plants.
New shrubs have recently been planted in the carpark area at Sacred Heart Church and the rose bushes & hedges are regularly maintained which make a beautiful entrance to
the Church & Office at Semaphore.
There are also occasional working bees at both sites to clean up the grounds.
Information regarding these is published in the Parish Bulletins.
If you are interested in joining the gardening teams, please contact the Parish Office.
[Joan & Michael Collins, Lucie Kennedy, Tomasz Mrozinski, Ros Braham, David Sandison, Chris White & Barry McGowan]

Stella Maris
Stella Maris is the apostolic work of the
Catholic Church offering hospitality and
pastoral care to the People of the Sea.
The Stella Maris Port Adelaide Seafarers Centre
(Formerly Apostleship of the Sea)
is located at
441 Victoria Rd, Taperoo, South Australia.
(Next to Our Lady of the Visitation Church)
Stella Maris is a caring and Christian society made up of non-paid volunteers aligned to the
Catholic Church, offering pastoral care,
services and support for visiting seafarers irrespective of race, colour or creed.
For more information or to get involved,
please visit their website.
St Vincent de Paul Society
The St Vincent de Paul Society aspires to be recognised as a caring Catholic charity offering “a hand up” to people in need. We do this by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope, and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny.
The Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor, with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.
An Australia transformed by compassion and built on justice.
Our Local Conference
Our local volunteers support anyone in need with food, clothing, furniture and financial counselling. The area served by our local Conference covers Outer Harbour to Royal Park.
If you are in need of assistance, please call
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact the Parish Office.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Vinnies Corner - Thank You
The St Vincent de Paul Society would like to sincerely thank the Lefevre Catholic Community for their continued support and generous contributions over the 2024 Christmas period.
The annual Christmas appeal raised $3,690.00 and will be used for ongoing assistance to those in need during 2025.
The Advent Giving Tree once again provided a wonderful selection of gifts for distribution to over 100 families which included 183 adults and 159 children.
Special thanks goes to our Christmas elves who helped sort and pack all the donated food and toys, and to the delivery drivers who gave freely of their time to help out.
We also wish to acknowledge the following local schools and community groups who provided an abundance of food and gifts to ensure everyone requesting assistance at Christmas did not miss out: Dominican Primary School- a huge amount of donated food and gifts, West Lakes Shore Primary School, Lefevre Peninsula Primary School, Westport Primary School, Largs Bay Primary School, North Haven Primary School, Woodbridge Residents, the Eden Childcare Academy and Charles Sturt & Grange Rotary Clubs’ Toy Boys for magnificent hand-crafted toys.
A very special thank you to Our Lady of the Visitation Primary School who gave a substantial donation from staff as well as providing the St Francis Hall where all the sorting was done and the hampers made up. Thank you.
Also, Bunning’s Woodville and Coles Port Adelaide, for providing much needed bags for the hampers.
And last but not least, members of the Motor-cycle Riders Association of South Australia for their generous donations to the annual toy run.
God bless you all.
- Lefevre Conference of St Vincent de Paul